Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Problem Solving and Decision Making Essay

Background I work for a company called npower and we are an energy supplier in the UK. Specifically, I work within the Blended Services department and we deal with various types of inbound contact from our customers such as email, letters and telephone calls. I manage a team of 15 people advisors and their role is to effectively deal with customer enquiries that come in via the different methods of contact. Due to the large volumes of correspondence that we have come in, it’s not always practical to respond to customers via a written response and we therefore ask the advisors to call as many customers as possible and resolve their enquiries by phone, this allows the advisors not only deal with the customer’s original enquiry but to also answer any subsequent questions that may arise when they are presented with the answer we give them. Description of the problem When advisors call a customer there are regulations around data protection and also keeping customer contact details up to date that we must adhere to, we refer to these regulations as compliance. This is a very black and white subject, we must be compliant in all we do 100% of the time. The problem that has come to light that in our department, is that our advisors are not 100% compliant 100% of the time. They will fully cover data protection and request up to date contact information on some calls but not others. This presents a problem for the department and me as a manager as well as the advisors in question as these inconsistencies can lead to varying degrees of disciplinary action for the advisors and the company. The impact of this for the advisors is that it can lead to disciplinary action such as informal warnings, up to more formal action such as written warnings and even loss of their job. In extreme cases offending advisors can even face personal fines. As a manager, I then have to consider the potential knock on effects of such action which can include loss of advisor confidence, a reduction in staff morale, and opportunity for progression may be reduced or taken away and all of these in turn may affect an advisors attendance. For me as a manager the concerns are that these actions could affect my time as I am required to carry out investigations in to each case of non-compliance. This is turn could leave other members of my team to feel neglected as my time becomes consumed with investigations and carrying out disciplinary action. Potentially, this could lead to a general loss of morale within my team as a whole and go on to impact their performance. This issue also affects our customers as if we are seen to be breaking such important regulations as data protection, and then this could cause an increase in complaints, damage our customer’s confidence in us as a company, lead to a decrease in customer loyalty and ultimately the loss of their business. From a company point of view the impacts are possibly the greatest. Just a few potential knock on effects from non-compliance are loss of customers, brand damage, legal consequences including large fines and potentially losing out license to trade. Disciplinary action can lead to loss of staff and this brings further impacts such as the time and cost of recruiting and training new staff and all of these could eventually impact our ability to provide a desired service to our customers. Analysis of the problem In trying to identify options to solve the problem of advisors inconsistently adhering to compliance regulations, I first looked at gathering as much information as I could in to how much it was affecting my department and if there were any contributing factors to the problem. I liaised with our quality analysts. The QA team had recently marked a sample of the calls we make within the department and informed me that in the month of September they sampled four calls from each team within the department. This was made up of one inbound call (calls where the customer calls npower) and one outbound call (calls where we call the customer) for two advisors on each team. There are 18 teams so this is 36 advisors that were sampled and scored. The results showed that of the advisors monitored only 69% were fully compliant. This is cause for concern then as the target is 100%. Following on from this, I needed to do further investigation. My time, however, is very valuable and for me to take on such an investigation alone is not feasible. I discussed the problem with my manager and we came up with an idea to help us follow up the results from the QA Teams quality checks. Within our own operations group (5 Teams) we asked each manager to mark two calls for each of their advisor focussing solely on whether or not the advisors were following compliance regulations that we must adhere to. In the first week of October, each manager carried out the quality checks for their teams. The results showed that we were 50% compliant as an operations group. Following these results each manager went out to the advisors that were not following the compliance regulations and gave them a training session as well as an informal warning that this kind of action was not acceptable and that compliance must be adhered to at all times. The managers including myself then left the advisors for a couple of weeks and then went back and completed the same quality checks once more. The second time around we noticed an improvement as we scored 70%. However, we were and still are a long way short of our ultimate goal. Following on from this, I devised what I saw to be a simple yet effective questionnaire that would be completed by a sample group of advisors. The purpose of the questionnaire was to establish possible reasons why the advisors failed to be consistent in regards to meeting compliance when speaking to customers on the telephone. I looked to address such matters as how confident they were that they were personally 100% complaint 100% of the time, were they aware of the tools that npower provide to assist them in being complaint, what barriers they have encountered that make it difficult to be compliant and what do they feel would ensure that they were 100% compliant 100% of the time going forward. The results of the questionnaire showed that the advisors knew what was required of them to be compliant and that they recognised the implications of not being compliant. It also showed that all of the advisors were aware of the various support tools that npower provides them to help with compliance though not all of them used them. This suggests then that the problem of being inconsistent in regards to compliance may be down to advisor attitude or focus but at this point I wanted to avoid making assumptions. With all of this information, I used a simple fishbone to drill down for possible reasons for these inconsistencies. I looked at the following headings and then added the possible reasons: Confidence (lack of) * Inconsistent message * Unclear on what’s expected * Cannot deal with conflict (from customers) * DPA doesn’t feel natural (in call structure) * Situations outside of the norm (3rd party calling on behalf of the customer) Knowledge (lack of) * No or little training (new to business) * Lack of communication (not advised of possible changes) * Inconsistent message (unsure what is correct) Skill * Unsure how to resolve conflict * Not certain how to incorporate data protection in to their call structure * Not able to control a call (allows a customer to drive a conversation, potentially skipping past vital areas for not wanting to interrupt) Attitude/Behaviour * Doesn’t understand potential consequences * Doesn’t like change * Refuses to comply After considering all of the above the potential solutions to my problem could be creating a guide that points out to advisors what they must do to be fully compliant but that isn’t rigid in its delivery so that the advisors can make it their own. Ensuring that the guide and its use is trained out in a clear manner that makes sure there are no questions unanswered. Providing the advisors with additional training to enable them to capably and confidently deal with situations of conflict i.e. if a customer refuses to go through data protection. Finally, making sure that the consequences of non-compliance for both advisors and the company are clearly communicated. Resolution of the problem I went to manager with my findings and stated what I wanted to achieve. I needed the goal to realistic and to be measurable. Remembering that QA Team reported the department to be 69% compliant for the month of September my goal statement was this: * To decrease the compliance fail rate in our department by 15% during the month of November based upon 36 evaluations. In making this statement, I ensured that if would be a fair reflection since it would match the original investigation completed by the QA Team. It’s SMART, because I have a specific goal that can be measured against previous findings. It’s both achievable and realistic as all managers will make numerous quality checks throughout the month and I’m trying to achieve the ultimate goal of 100% compliance but instead make a small but reasonable step towards it and finally, it’s time bound as all steps will be put in place and measured throughout November. Once the goal had been set, my manager and I held a brain storming session to look at possible options to resolve the problem. Further to those I mentioned earlier, we came up with these additional ideas: * Speech Analytics * Scripts for data protection * A specific inbound call team * A specific outbound call team * Feedback, coaching and evaluations * An inbound and outbound call decision making tree * Brief to include what’s expected and what the consequences are for non-compliance * Compliance champs * Compliance tick sheet After we had come up with these various options I went away and decided which would be the best course of action. To help me decide I used a simple Pro’s and Con’s method. I put each of the above options in to a table and then listed what the advantages and disadvantages were. Below, I have just briefly outlined some of the key points for each one. Speech analytics Pros * It saves time (it’s all automated, listening to and identifying key words and phrases in conversations) so managers don’t have to do manual checks. * A large sample is gathered (it pulls data from all recorded calls) therefore the reflection is very accurate. * Reports can easily be pulled, since all data is compiled and exported in excel spread sheet format. Cons * It’s not an immediate solution. Speech analytics for npower is in early testing stages and it’s unlikely to be available for at least another year. * Cost – It’s very expensive to implement and so even to run in a small test environment is currently unlikely. Scripts for data protection Pros * It would clearly set out what needs to be said (no grey area) * Advisors would have something to reference at all times * Can easily be updated when changes occur * Managers could easily cover this in a coaching session Cons * Advisors may not feel it comes across as natural * Advisors may forget to keep it on their desk each day * It would need to be updated with each new change (potentially old ones could be in circulation) * Repeat contact customers would have to go through the exact same process each time and may feel it comes across as robotic Specific inbound/outbound call teams Pros * Advisors would deal with only one call type (one set of compliance regulations, more specialised, less chance of failure) * Becoming specialised may increase confidence Cons * It may not be feasible to have a enough specialised teams to deal with the workload * We would lose multi-skilled advisors, impacting our ability to deal with other work volumes * Specialised teams leave us vulnerable to outside influences such as absence. Compliance Champs Pros * Position of responsibility for trusted advisors * Someone on hand to reference in uncertain situations Cons * Those not chosen may feel disappointed * The cost of taking advisors away from completing work may not be feasible in such a busy time * Having to wait for a ‘Champ’ may impact customer wait times and thus service * Takes ownership and responsibility away from the advisors Compliance Checklist Pros * Advisors already use something similar, so it would be familiar * Advisors could clearly track what they have and haven’t asked * Peace of mind as it states clearly what they must ask * Natural, as it states what they must ask but doesn’t tell them how to do it * Cheap and easy to implement * Easy to amend when changes occur * Advisors can easily keep it with them either paper based or electronically * Puts the responsibility on the advisor * Best use can be coached around Cons * Must be altered with each change (old ones could be left in circulation) * Puts the responsibility on the advisors (must be trusted to use it) After evaluating the options and the pros and cons to each. I decided to go with a compliance checklist. Once I had decided on what I believed to be the best solution I asked myself two important questions, in various decision making models these are also known as Acid Tests 1&2. Acid Test 1 – If I implement all of my plans for action will my problems be overcome? In considering the answer I thought back to areas that I had identified earlier that linked into the problem of inconsistent compliance. To recap these were things such as: * Advisors were unsure what they should be asking. * They lacked confidence that they were saying all the right things. * They could often miss important information if interrupted by a customer before the compliance checks were complete. * The solution needed to be simple and easy to implement, so that it was clear and simple to train out. The majority of my advisors already use a checklist of sorts to capture the work they complete and how they contacted the customer, by adding compliance prompts to this it creates a visual aid for the advisors reminding them of what they need to ask and it remains in a setting that they find familiar. Also, because the advisors are able to tick off the various requirements as they go along it makes it very clear what must be asked and it’s less likely that they’ll miss things out if they are interrupted as they can simply go back along the list and pick up where they left off. It’s also likely to come across as more natural when the advisors are talking to them customers as well as again it only prompts them with what they need to ask rather than telling them how to say it. Finally, it’s relatively cheap to implement, it isn’t very time consuming to put in place and it’s something that can be done immediately. A copy of the checklist is attached (Appendix A) Acid test 2 – If I get rid of all my problems will I achieve my objectives? Again, the answer should be yes. My solution will give advisors something black and white, that’s clear and easy to understand and familiar to them in their day to day role. This should in turn give them the added confidence when talking to customer’s on the phone. There is, however, a human element. This is that the solution once trained out and implemented, relies upon the advisor taking some ownership and making sure that use it every day even if they feel confident that they are fully compliant. Because this is a personal choice there is no plan that I can implement that will solve this. However, as a company we do have measures already in place to manage this. If an advisor is proven to have the skills and the knowledge to be fully compliant and yet for whatever reason chooses not to, then I or any other manager would need to ensure that this is managed in the proper fashion. Implementation and communication of the solution As previously stated the advisor already usage a data capture sheet in their day to day jobs. I have taken that and added some simple yet clear checklist boxes that prompt the advisors on what they need to be asking when speaking to customers on the telephone. I will start off with a trial in my operations group and then if the desired results are proven then I will discuss with my manager a plan to roll it out to the whole department. I’ll start by holding a small group meeting with my fellow team managers, briefly describing the problem that I’ve been looking in to. I’ll present my solution and tell them how I would like it to be used. The managers including me can then go out to our own teams and deliver the message in a brief team meeting. The compliance checklist will be distributed via email to the managers and advisors alike. This way the advisors can choose to print it off and fill it in manually or they can simply fill in in on their PC’S. This also means that they will always be able to access a copy even if they have to move desks as it will be saved to their email. Following this, I would plan to follow up with some side by side observations. This would be to ensure that the advisors are using the checklist as intended and it also gives me the chance to answer any questions that they may have as well as offer advice and praise where they are doing things well and hopefully begin to build that confidence in their ability back up. As far as monitoring and reviewing of the situation, this should be quite straight forward. I know what the problem is and I have identified a list of causes. I also know clearly what I expect to achieve from the solution. I perform at least one quality check on each of my advisors each week, so these will prove useful when monitoring progress in this area and the results should be clear to see. These quality checks are always given to the advisors as feedback and trends from multiple quality checks are used to build useful coaching sessions. The feedback that I receive from the advisors at this point should also allow me to monitor if they are using my solution as expected and how confident they feel with it. As a department, we also receive daily, weekly and monthly reports. These will enable me to view the progress of the other teams in my operations group to see if they are showing the results that are expected. I will raise the matter for discussion in the weekly operations group meeting and this will allow me to receive feedback from my fellow managers and get their thoughts on what is and potentially isn’t going well. Finally, the QA Team will perform another quality check across a random sample of the department. This will perhaps be the ultimate mark of whether or not my solution has been successful. If so, then there should be a significant increase in the percentage of advisors that pass compliance.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Focus Group

INTRODUCTION Focus group is a qualitative technique used mostly in marketing research and also other areas of research. This technique is used to collect primary data. This document consists of information about focus group. The main objective of this assignment was to investigate how focus groups techniques are used to collect primary data about the phenomenon at hand in the real world. The research method used was Google scholar for academic journals.The campus library database was also used for more academic journals and textbooks from the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) different libraries. The main problem experienced in the completion of this document was that most textbooks about this studied topic were outdated in the author’s campus. Hence, different campuses of NMMU were visited and the right textbooks were found. This document presents a review of the literature on focus groups. It continues with an empirical study on organisational corruption in secon dary schools.Also included, is the reference list of all cited sources as well as an annexure. 2 FOCUS GROUPS In the collection of primary data there are two research methods that can be of use, quantitative and qualitative methods, which can both be subdivided into idiosyncratic primary data collection methods. Because the main focus of this document is on focus groups, therefore only qualitative techniques will be mentioned which are in-depth interviews, projective techniques and focus groups. Seymour (2004:04) defines focus groups (F.G) as â€Å"group of interacting individuals having some common interest or characteristics, brought together by a moderator, who uses the group and its interactions as a way to gain information about a specific or focused issue†. This technique has been utilised in many fields to collect primary data as mentioned above and its characteristics are discussed in the following section. 2. 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF FOCUS GROUPS When F. G are considered to be used in a certain research study then there are characteristics which have to be taken into account, which are: group size, group composition, physical setting, moderator, recording tools and length f group discussion. Below it is a detailed review on each of the above mentioned characteristics of F. G. 2. 1. 1 Group size When determining to embark on F. G one has to think about the size (number) of that certain F. G. Despite the confusion that can be created by different sources stating a different number of possible group sizes. The research of F. G can be undertaken with a group of 4- 12 people (Tong, Sainsbury & Craig 2007:351). Large F. G group size can jeopardise the discussion as it may be difficult to handle the discussion, even so the group size depends on the complexity of the research study. . 1. 2 Group composition After the group size had been decided then the group composition must be considered as well. All participants taking part in a F. G must be homogen eous in the interest of the studied phenomenon (Malhotra & Birks 2006:160). Participants with similar characteristics, which the study is about, make the discussion easier and nicely flowing. 2. 1. 3 Physical setting When choosing the venue to carry out a F. G it is imperative that the chosen venue must also meet the aspects of the phenomenon at hand and of the participants.Daymon and Holloway (2002:194) state that â€Å"choosing the right environment for traditional focus groups plays a vital role as it can attract freely expressed opinions from the participants†. 2. 1. 4 Moderator In the success of F. G moderators play a vital role. It is of crucial role that moderators in F. G keep the environment safe so participants can freely express their opinions and most importantly must use probe questions; such requires a great experience from the moderator (Hague, P. , Hague, N. & Morgan 2004:53).Therefore, the moderator ought to possess skills such as creating chemistry w ith the participants, keep the flow of the discussion and analysing the data collected. 2. 1. 5 Recording tools No person can be able to cram exactly a discussion of over 20 minutes by his head; some points will certainly be missed. Wiid & Diggines (2009:90) express that â€Å"sessions should preferably be recorded (both visual and audio) so that the researcher can review the sessions later in order to gain further insights†.These tools therefore, assist to keep the already realised needed data and the data that the moderator was unaware of during the discussion. 2. 1. 6 Length of group discussion When planning F. G it is essential to plan the duration precisely as it may play an impact on the data collected. However, just like group sizes, length of F. G depends on the complexity of the issue at hand. The more complex of the issue is the more the duration of the discussion is required, but if so then breaks must be taken in between to let the participants to enliven and produce successful F. G (Malhotra & Birks 2006:161).While on the hand, Seymour (2004:05) being unambiguous reveals that â€Å"most focus groups encompass 90 minutes to three hours of discussion†. With the above discussed characteristics of F. G considered, then one has to scrutinise the advantages and disadvantages of F. G. The following section discusses the advantages and disadvantages of F. G. 2. 2 ADVANTAGES F. G has its own advantages which can attract this technique to be used. These advantages are discussed individually beneath. Cost- because discussions are done simultaneously then it reduces the cost (Wiid & Diggines 2009:91).Speed- because a number of individuals are being interviewed at the same time, data collection and analysis proceeds speedily (Gerber-Nel, Nel & Kotze 2003:104). Synergy- a discussion with a number of participants can also be of help by generating more information than one-on-one interviews (University of Toronto [UT] 2002:02). Snowb all- Malhotra & Birks (2006:162) state that â€Å"a bandwagon effect often operates in a group discussion in that one person’s comment triggers a chain reaction from the other respondents†.In elaboration, a comment from one of the participants may reveal an idea to some other participant(s). Scientific scrutiny- because the moderator is also in the venue of discussion with participants, it also gives the moderator the opportunity to also observe (Malhotra & Birks 2006:162). However, disadvantages investigated by the author are more than the mentioned above but the above mentioned are those anticipated as most important. 2. 3 DISADVANTAGES Focus groups have advantages which can jeopardise the collected data or the data collection process itself.These advantages are explained below. Misjudgement- Gerber-Nel et al (2003:104) utter that â€Å"results are misinterpreted due to bias†. Non representative sample- because of the small number of participants in to tal as compared to quantitative, therefore participants in F. G cannot represent any population (Wiid & Diggines 2009:91). Inconclusive results- the results of F. G only retort to ‘what’ but not ‘why’ which can sometimes make the narrow and create a need for a quantitative research study (Gerber-Nel et al 2003:104).Difficulty in analysing- this method mostly consists of words which make it more difficult to analyse (Grudens-Schuck, Allen & Larson 2004: ¶9). 2. 4 WHEN TO USE FOCUS GROUPS With the above discussed sections it is also vital for one to know when to utilise F. G. Focus groups are mostly used to discover behaviour, perceptions, attitudes and processes (Hague et al 2004:50). These traits that F. G are used to discover which responds to the question of ‘when to use focus groups? ’, which in respond will be, F.G can be used in; stand alone method, supplementary to a survey and as a part of multi method design (Daymon & Holl ower 2002:188). The following section will discuss the use of F. G in the study of organisational corruption in secondary schools in Turkey and the information provided is based on annexure A. 3 FOCUS GROUP STUDY ON ORGANISATIONAL CORRUPTION IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN ANKARA In Turkey after it was seen that the level of corruption in secondary schools is high, it was then seen important that a study on this problem should be undertaken.The moderator and his assistant decided to use F. G study to identify the perceptions of teachers in Ankara (a city in Turkey). The group sizes of the study were eight and nine respectively, which in total consisted of 17 participants (12 males and 5 females). These participants were chosen due to homogeneous attributes meeting the studied problem, because this study is about secondary schools therefore the participants were critically recruited due to their profession of teaching. Thereafter, the moderator and his assistant held the F. G in a cosmopolit an city of Turkey known by the name Ankara.Apaydin & Balci (2011:821) state that in the study â€Å"audio and video recordings were taken informed consent†. Which helped to later on even realise information shared which the researchers were not aware of. The duration of each focus group was 90 minutes, which the researchers felt the time it was the right time, for each group discussion. The fact that F. G were held made it less costly for this study than any other possible study because a large number of people participated in this study at a time which also made it quite quicker.Some points in this study were raised up by addition or revealing of another idea by some other participant’s comment. On the other hand, the researchers also saw that because at first the participants were suppose to represent secondary schools of Turkey as a nation then later converted to the cosmopolitan city Ankara but still the researchers saw that the number of total participants is quite diminutive to represent such large population. On the findings of this study it was seen of importance that further study should be carried out on different groups so the findings can be generalised. CONCLUSION This study has been a great study which can be improvised in a way. Such way is that the researchers must carry on with the focus groups and compare findings, if even after several discussions same findings are gathered then it would be a point where the findings can be generalised for the secondary schools in Ankara. REFERENCE LIST Apaydin, C. & Balci, A. 2011. Education. Organizational Corruption in Secondary Schools: A Focus Group Study, 131(4):818-829. Daymon, C. & Holloway, I. 2002.Qualitative research methods in public relations andmarketing communications. London: Routledge. Gerber-Nel, C. , Nel, D. & Kotze, T. 2003. Marketing research. Claremont: New African Books. Grudens-Schuck, N. , Allen, B. L. & Larson, K. 2004. Focus group fundamentals. Met hodology Brief: 9. Hague, P. , Hague, N. & Morgan, C. 2004. Marketing research in practice: A guide to the basics. London: Kogan Page. Malhotra, N. K. & Birks, D. F. 2006. Marketing research: An applied approach. 2nd rev ed. Harlow: Prentice Hall.Seymour, A. 2004. Focus groups. An Important Tool for Strategic Planning:1-32. Tong, A. , Sainsbury, P. & Craig, J. 2007. International journal for quality in health care. Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ): a 32-item Checklist for Interviews and Focus Groups, 19(6):349-357. University of Toronto. 2002. The health communication unit. Using Focus Groups, 02:1-59. Wiid, J. & Diggines, C. 2009. Marketing research. Cape Town: Juta. ANNEXURE A: ORGANIZATIONAL CORRUPTION IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS: A FOCUS GROUP STUDY

Leadership in Criminal Justice Essay

Leadership is a necessary component of any organization to include a criminal justice organization. In recent years, research has clearly indicated that leadership must be present in criminal justice organizations for a multitude of reasons. Leaders provide motivation and inspire their followers to progress while advancing toward a shared vision. This paper will discuss several different aspects of leadership and expand on the importance of having strong leaders in place. This paper will explain that there are different styles and theories of leadership which are utilized today. Basic principles of leadership as well as the role of a leader will be discussed in detail along with explanations as to why leadership is crucial in criminal justice organizations. Leadership in Criminal Justice Leadership in any organization is directly related to the overall success that organization can expect to see. Leadership in criminal justice is certainly no exception. Having strong leaders in place promotes organization, management, productivity, motivation and creativity in a criminal justice setting. Moral, productivity, and the overall success of a criminal justice agency are a few of the things commonly affected by lack of leadership. This paper will explain the importance of leadership in a criminal justice organization by responding to the following questions: 1. What is leadership? 2. What are leadership theories and styles? 3. How does leadership differ from management? 4. Why is leadership important in criminal justice? What is leadership? Leadership can be defined as a process that helps direct and mobilize people and their ideas (Stojkovic, Klofas & Kalinich, 2012). Leadership requires that a person have a strong desire to be an influential part of the organization and want to play a key role in moving towards a common goal. Leaders are primarily concerned with motivating and inspiring their followers to remain productive and to maintain the drive and ability to reach organization goals. A leader must a have an organizational vision and be able to inspire and motivate others to buy into that vision and work towards achieving the goals related to that vision. The role of a leader in a criminal justice organization should not be under appreciated. A leader plays has an immensely influential role within the organization. First, leaders must have a strong working knowledge in the assignment they wish to lead. This can be developed through education, training, and experience. Leaders must have the respect of those they wish to lead in order to be effective. One way that leaders can earn that respect is by possessing the skills needed to be in a leadership position. Secondly, a leader must know themselves, their strengths, and their weaknesses. Many leaders in law enforcement find it easy to know their business, but find it difficult to know themselves (Dobbs & Field, 1993). Leaders must realize their strengths and weakness in order to develop their own style of leadership. Leaders who act outside their natural style of leadership can cause themselves to appear awkward and ultimately affect their ability to lead. Third, a criminal justice leader must know their subordinates. Due to the fact that people are motivated my different things, a leader must realize what motivates each subordinate individually. Also, a leader must have a personal relationship with the subordinate as well. For example, a leader must know his employee well enough to congratulate or give condolences in personal matters when appropriate. This will remind the subordinate that the leader cares about their personal achievements and struggles as well. Finally, a leader must operate with consistency and lead by example. For example, a criminal justice leader who punishes a subordinate for poor report writing when they themselves write poor reports will create a lack of respect for that leader. This is due to the fact that the leader does not lead by example. A leader must exemplify the ideals they demand in order for their follows to truly want to follow their lead. What are some of the theories and styles of leadership? There are many theories about different aspects of leadership and the effectiveness of each in a criminal justice setting. Contemporary research brings into focus the behavioral approach and the contingency approach. The behavioral approach emphasizes the behavior of leaders while the contingency approach emphasizes situational variables that affect leadership. We find in the behavioral approach an emphasis on how leaders interact with their subordinates as well as how a leader creates processes that encourage subordinates to be productive and accomplish the goals of the agency. The behavioral approach is concerned with whether or not the subordinates feel that their leader makes them feel like a valued member of the agency and if their opinions carry any weight in the day to day operation of the agency. The contingency approach, founded in the 1970’s differs from the behavioral approach. â€Å"Examining various situational variables is central to understanding leadership in organizations, according to the contingency theorist† (Stojkovic, Klofas & Kalinich, 2012). Fiedler’s Contingency Model is one of those contingency theories. In Fiedler’s model we find that how well liked or disliked by subordinates a leader is, will have a direct impact on how effective that leader will be. For example, a detective supervisor who is not well liked might have a hard time finding volunteers to work overtime at their request. In contrast, a well like supervisor might have no problem getting volunteers in the same situation. The subordinates in this example might base their decision on nothing more than who is asking. Also in Fiedler’s Model, we find that uncertain task structures can be problematic to leadership. For example, if officers are instructed by their supervisor to go out and make some arrests and not given any further details on the assignment, they are left not understanding the true goal of the assignment. In this example, a leader would gain better results from an assignment if their subordinates knew the true purpose of the assignment and were aware that there would be measurable results. â€Å"It is easier to lead when the task structure is clearly defined and open to direct monitoring by a supervisor (Stojkovic, Klofas & Kalinich, 2012). There are many different styles of leadership that one can utilize in an organization. The three that are the most commonly applied to the criminal justice profession include: the autocratic, democratic, and the laissez-faire styles of leadership. It is important for a leader to stick with a style that best fits their personality, but at times and depending on the circumstances facing them at any given time, they might switch back and forth from on style to another. The style of leadership one elects to utilize largely depends on what that leader wishes to accomplish (Lynch, 1998). The autocratic leader is authoritarian in nature. An autocratic leader would rather give orders and make all the decisions while gathering little or no input from others. Many times this does not provide the best of environments for subordinates to grow confident in making their own decisions. Autocratic have a tendency personalize criticism and are often times viewed as harsh or rigid. Autocratic leaders work well in times of crisis where an authoritarian is needed to quickly gain compliance and organize resources (Aleno, Griffith, Weaver & Wright, 2008). An example of this would be in an officer involved shooting situation. When an officer is injured in the line of duty, emotions run high which often creates a chaotic situation that is difficult to control or manage. Autocratic leaders are most likely to be able to handle a situation such as this due to the fact they are quick to give orders and begin making the decisions that need to be made without much hesitation. Autocratic leaders in a criminal justice setting often work best with subordinates who are young and have little experience. The democratic leader is one that welcomes input from their subordinates under the right circumstances. Democratic leaders encourage their subordinates to participate in the decision making process which promotes teamwork and personal growth. Democratic leaders often times delegate duties to subordinates which further builds their confidence in decision making. Democratic leaders many times can struggle during times of emergency due to the fact they might take additional time to make decisions due to bringing others into the decision making process. The third leadership style, laissie-faire, is a style in which the leader will allow the subordinates to make the majority of the decisions on their own with little input or interference from the leader. This type of leadership can be effective in situations where subordinates perform properly without excessive direct supervision. An example of where a laissie-faire style of leadership could be utilized would be a unit comprised of self motivated veterans who require very little supervision. This style has few truly positive aspects and the agency could actually be placed in jeopardy due to this hands off approach to leadership. The laissez-faire style may not be leadership style at all; instead, it may be an abdication of administrative duties (Peak, 2004). How does leadership differ from management? Any criminal justice organization would benefit from having both managers and leaders among their ranks. There are managers who are not capable of true leadership and leaders who are not accomplished managers. In contrast, there are some who have the unique ability to perform well as both a manager and a leader. There are marked similarities and differences that make management and leadership roles important to a criminal justice agency. Management can be defined as â€Å"the fluid and dynamic component of administration† and as â€Å"a process of working with people in a humane way to achieve organizational goals and objectives as efficiently and effectively as possible (Aleno, Griffith, Weaver & Wright, 2008). Managers concentrate much of their efforts on planning, organizing, directing, implementing, and evaluating. Criminal Justice mangers are known for prioritizing important aspects of an agency and ensuring that things such as resources and proper planning are in place. â€Å"Leadership means directing or the ability to obtain the â€Å"followership† of others† (Aleno, Griffith, Weaver & Wright, 2008). Leadership can take on many forms and can be seen at all levels of a criminal justice agency. Leaders motivate and inspire their followers or subordinates to work towards a shared vision. Leaders envision the future and attempt to gain a followership among their subordinates which changes their way of thinking for the better of the agency and themselves. Leadership and management are similar in some ways while being completely different in others. Both management and leadership ultimately are working towards positive outcomes for an agency as a whole. Leaders and managers both have a common responsibility to work toward a more productive and efficient organization. While leadership and management accomplish this differently, both positions have an impact on the people within the organization. â€Å"Leaders and managers differ in what they attend to and how they think† (Aleno, Griffith, Weaver & Wright, 2008). Managers concern themselves more with managing resources, planning, and directing in an effort to meet the goals of the agency. These tasks deal more in structuring behaviors and processes with less emphasis on what motivates personnel to be productive. By contrast, leaders are more concerned with motivating, praising, or inspiring. These ideas are more likely to have a positive impact on the minds and attitudes of the people within an organization to continue working towards a shared vision. Although there are similarities and differences in management and leadership, a criminal justice agency should contain both. Due to the fact that there are very positive characteristics of both managers and leaders, a criminal justice agency needs a combination of the two in order to maximize its potential. It is debatable as to whether one is more important that the other. Ideally, a manager would strive to develop leadership skills while a leader would strive to develop managerial skills. Why is leadership important in Criminal Justice? Leadership is an important part of a criminal justice organization for same reasons leadership is important to any organization. Leaders are responsible for keeping an organization focused on moving forward and progressing towards a better more improved organization. Leaders must be innovative and continue looking for new and better ways of doing business while encouraging their followers to share that positive mindset. Leadership is absolutely crucial in criminal justice for numerous reasons to include motivation and promoting ethical behavior. In a criminal justice organization, staying motivated can be a challenging at times for many reasons. With the inherent stressors and pressures of working in the criminal justice field, one can find themselves lacking the motivation needed to remain successful. It is the responsibility of leadership to recognize this type of mindset and deal with it appropriately. Leaders should strive to keep their subordinates motivated using creativity and making necessary changes that produced positive results. A criminal justice leader must know their subordinates and understand that each person is motivated differently. Promoting ethical behavior is another important aspect and responsibility of leadership in criminal justice. Unethical behaviors are present in any organization and a criminal justice agency is certainly no exception. In criminal justice especially, one can on a daily basis find themselves in an ethical dilemma. Ethical behavior must start at the top of a criminal justice agency and be seen and reinforced with regularity. Leadership can prevent a large number of unethical behaviors by simply being involved, engaged, and by holding their subordinates accountable. Leaders of a criminal justice organization must lead by example and have integrity. Those in a criminal justice leadership role who themselves choose to engage in unethical behaviors do an enormous disservice to the organization and to individual members. â€Å"The organizational climate which is directly influenced by the leadership of the agency determines how much unethical behavior will be present in a criminal justice agency or, for that matter, any organization† (Wright, 1999). There is absolutely no substitute for leadership within a criminal justice organization. It is absolutely vital for criminal justice organizations to not only ensure that there are strong leaders in the right positions within the organization, but to also invest in their people to ensure that quality leaders are being bred for the future. A criminal justice agency that does not invest in there people from a leadership stand point, are certainly doing themselves and the organization a disservice. Research has made it abundantly clear that the quality and quantity of leadership a criminal justice organization possesses will have a direct impact on the productivity, morale, and overall success that organization will experience. References Aleno, L. , Griffith, S. , Weaver, K. , & Wright, S. Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission. (2008). Middle management (Version 2008. 8). Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Dobbs, C. , & Field, M. (1993). Leaders vs. managers: The law enforcement formula. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 62(8), 22-25. Lynch, R. (1998). The police manager. (5th ed. ). Cincinnati, OH: anderson publishing co. Peak, K. J. (2004). Justice administration police, courts, and corrections management. (4th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Stojkovic, S. , Klofas, J. , & Kalinich, D. (2012). Criminal justice organizations, administration and management. (5th ed. ). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Pub Co. Wright, K. N. (1999). Leadership is the key to ethical practice in criminal justice agencies. Criminal Justice Ethics, 18(No. 2), Retrieved from http://www. questia. com/library/1G1-60060343/leadership-is-the-key-to-ethical-practice-in-criminal

Monday, July 29, 2019

TRANSITIONS TO PRACTICE WORKBOOK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

TRANSITIONS TO PRACTICE WORKBOOK - Essay Example In essence the expected outcomes from chemotherapy are to cure a specific cancer; when cure is not a possible solution, to retard the growth of the tumour; to bring about relief of symptoms like pain in cancer; to reduce the size of the tumours in case other interventions like surgery or radiation are considered as solutions and to remove very small portions of tumours that may be present after surgical interventions (Ignoffo, Rosenbaum & Dollinger, 2008). For the administration of Mr. T’s chemotherapy he needs a portacath inserted. After insertion Mr. T returns to your ward what specific nursing care does he need in relation to his portacath insertion for the first 48 hours? The immediate care needs of Mr. T post portacath insertion involve, keeping the site of insertion clean, pain assessment and prevention, infection prevention, control of any possible complications, like pneumo thorax and keeping the line clean by flushing (Wood, 2000). Site of insertion has to be examined and any blood stained dressing needs to be changed. As the anaesthesia wears off, pain may be experienced by the patient and Langhorne, Fulton and Otto, 2007 recommend the assessment of pain experienced and the use of medication like paracetamol to alleviate the experience of pain. Infection control is the next issue and for this purpose nursing care needs to pay attention to whether there are any signs of infection, like continued pain, inflammation and any oozing at the site suggestive of infection and initiate action to control the infection (Verfaillie et al, 2005). Blockage of the Portacart line is the next issue in nursing care and Nursing Management of Intraperitoneal Access Devices, 2006, suggests the use of the Huber needle for flushing the line. Incidence of traumatic pneumothorax has been reported after the procedure and should the patient

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Analysis of moral problem or case in business Essay

Analysis of moral problem or case in business - Essay Example It has been discussed, that the point these college students start receiving monetary benefits from college they would no longer play like amateur players or athletes, but become professionals. Moreover, after receiving cash compensation, the student athletes might lose their sportsman conduct and start playing only for money. The student athletes are compensated by allowing scholarship for their tuitions, meals, books, etc. They are also provided extra tutoring assistance, and their absences are also excused. Many sports enthusiast support the view that the student athletes should be given monetary compensation because the college and the universities earn huge amount of money through these sport tournaments and do not pay even a small percent of those wining amount to those for whom the college has received the prize money. By paying them money, the college or university authorities can motivate the students to stay in the college and play for them. This means it would act as motiv ating factor. Many even claim that the colleges are exploiting the athletes by making money, while these student athletes does not have enough money to afford the dinning, lodging or educational expenses. Exploitation would be a strong word to accuse the colleges, because the students are not forced to play for the college, and the scholarship program designed for the athletes provides solution to the problem of dinning, logging or educational expenses for any student athlete (Bilas â€Å"Players Should Be Compensated†). Critics have supported that the level of the student athletes is much higher than that of those students who play club games. The best athletes in colleges get the exposure to build professional contacts. However, the low grades in their education may lead to cancellation of their permission to play under NCAA, and also lead to an uncertain future. So paying them monetary compensation may be a motivating factor for them. If we judge it from the studentâ€℠¢s point of view then we can see that for a student athlete it is better to play for a college rather than playing for any minor club. This is because minor clubs are not well-equipped with resources and sponsorships, while if a student plays for the college, he/she can also avail the education and a college degree along with an exposure to elite athlete environment. The educational alternative would provide security to a student and assist in diversifying his/her career in future. If we view the compensation issue of the athlete from this scenario, we can understand that paying the young student athlete who plays for their college is not necessary, and by not paying them monetary compensation, they are not exploiting the students. However, the college or the university must ensure that the future career opportunities for such student athlete are bright in the sport field. They should arrange job opportunities for those athletes who do not want to pursue their career or cannot conti nue their career in sports in future. This needs to done because it goes without saying that the student-athletes are generally weak in studies and also do not get time to concentrate on academics because of their busy sports schedules from colleges. So this draw back needs to be compensated and the responsibility should be taken up by the college to set their future career (The Economist â€Å"Time for professional student athletes?†). According to National Collegiate Athletic Association (NACC), the student athlet

Saturday, July 27, 2019

New Paper Publishing on the Verge of Extinction Essay

New Paper Publishing on the Verge of Extinction - Essay Example In events where the newspaper is state-owned or is a mainstream medium, it is likely to be extremely centralized and as a result, requires important investment and resources. In other words, this can be heavily influenced by the government through various mechanisms and forms of control. On the contrary, the digital media is radically dissimilar in terms of its characteristics. In its implications, the new media that is; the internet can be used for both â€Å"points to mass communications as well as point to point and mass to point message distribution†. They tend to be tremendously de-centralized and require very low investment. For instance, a blogger only requires having a computer and internet connection and one is able to get the breaking news while in the house and without necessary moving out to collect the newspaper. As a result, it provides greater interactivity and public participation and is much more difficult to fall prey to control. Reflecting on the above under standing, one can deduce that critics choose the new media over the newspaper due to its benefits.In most countries, the new media which comprise of the television, the radio and the internet has gain popularity and acceptance because of the need to have free information flow. This has been given the first priority since the mainstream media that is, the newspaper is perceived to be controlled by the government. In that sense, it does not provide secretive information concerning government matters, unlike other platforms such as Twitter. The nature of the internet has made it possible for online newspaper to be in operation as it is easy to join (Mahmud, S. (2009). A case study on the country of Malaysia reveals intense changes in the media context over the past few decades. Beginning with a controlled media environment where the print media worked under an annual licensing scheme and broadcasting media were state-controlled. Malaysia

Friday, July 26, 2019

Adam de la Halle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Adam de la Halle - Essay Example Although his poetry is indicative of possible aspects of his life, it is impossible to distinguish what is art, what is fiction, and which of the different aspects reflect his life ad which reflect that of his patrons. He died in 1288 and it is estimated that he was in his late forties or early fifties at this time (Marshall and de la Halle). Le Jeu de Robin et Marion According to Dane, â€Å"Le Jeu de Robin et Marion is among the first secular vernacular dramas. It is in part a dramatization of the medieval lyric pastourelle (a quasi-dramatic lyric type involving an encounter between a knight and peasant)† (49). The piece was written in French and represents the social opposition in which the story of Robin Hood is most often thematically written. The presentation of the play is only available through hypotheticals, a given representation not having been passed down in history, although it is considered the historic example of the beginnings of the comic opera. The music is h ighly rhythmic and representative of medieval troubadour music. Fi maris The chanson is courtly music that is â€Å"about love, rather than love songs in any Romantic sense† (Marshall and de la Halle 3). ... He did not, like a Romantic poet, reach out for the universal from a basis of personal experience† (Marshall and de la Halle 4). Fi Maris is written to express a witty look at infidelity and is written in French. Its monophonic tone and rhythmic background with harmonic vocals supply the form of the piece. Je muir, je muir d’amourete Je muir, je muir d’amourete is a rondeau, meaning that it had a rigid structure in which the verse and the refrain are repeated, from which the poetic rhythm scheme can be translated as AbaAabAB. Formed from the monophonic traditions, this piece is a gentle and sentimental work that has a beautiful introduction. The repetition sets up a sense of the emotions of the work. It is in French, with a gentleness that brings forward a meaning that is beyond the lyrical translation. Works Cited Dane, Joseph A. Abstractions of Evidence in the Study of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books. Farnham, England: Ashgate Pub, 2009. Print. Fi Maris. You 24 September 2010. Lumina Vocal Ensemble. 11 June 2011. Je muir, je muir d’amourete. 26 July 2010. Quellidelgiardino. 11 June 2011. Le Jeu de Robin et Marion. 17 May 2010. Cowboybepopp444. 11 June 2011. &feature=related Marshall, John H. and Adam de la Halle. The Chansons of Adam de la Halle. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1971. Print. Claudio Monteverdi Claudio Monteverdi was born in 1567 and died in 1643 and was a composer, singer, and musician playing the viola da gambe. His work can be considered for its transitional position between the Renaissance

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Significant principles of project management Research Paper

Significant principles of project management - Research Paper Example And the success or failure of one phase can have a significant influence on other project management tasks. In this scenario, project management is a systematic method for managing, controlling and setting up project tasks and resources from its beginning to completion (Barkley, 2006, p. 14; Kerzner, 2006; TechTarget, 2008; Haughey, 2009). In addition, these resources and tasks can be divided into different stages depending on the size of a project. These stages could be initiation, planning, executing, controlling, and completion or termination of the project. In reality, this standard method of the project management can be used to manage any kind of project, because its fundamental goal is to organize the different tasks of project development. In addition, project management is a kind of plan administration that pays attention especially on developing and organizing project activities and tasks. Simply like there are billions of ice cream tastes, there are billions of kinds of pr ojects and the nature of a project varies from organization to organization. In this scenario, efficient and successful project management can defeat them both. Additionally, project management considers projects normally as a provisional attempt to produce an exclusive service or product. In addition, for the majority of organizations today, everything is a project; on the other hand, others believe that projects are particular and high level tasks that happen occasionally. In fact, a project is an exclusive thing. Alternately, the formation of a new implementation is exclusive, while the preservation and everyday support of an existing application is not accordingly exclusive (Tomayko & Hallman, 1989; Luckey & Phillips, 2006). In addition, a number of researchers believe that project management is simply a set of a wide variety of tasks and activities that are distributed to a number of people by a responsible authority normally acknowledged as a project manager. Additionally, in efficient project management there is no space for goobers. In addition, the successful project management focuses on serious trade of receiving work performed on time, within allocated budget and according to client’s needs and requirements. Furthermore, the successful project management involves various other attributes such as leadership, execution and owning the project capacity. Also, it is an excellent response to sign off on the project and know that we and our project team play a significant role in the project’s success. The benefits of project management for the organizations are countless. The effective use of project management allows organizations to organize project tasks and assign resources. In this scenario, organizations can also track the progress of project. Additionally, project management is helpful for controlling the project tasks and guiding the development (Barkley, 2006; Tomayko & Hallman, 1989; Luckey & Phillips, 2006). Project organizations and the importance of leadership and sponsorship In view of the fact that the project is a team activity in which people

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Corporate responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Corporate responsibility - Essay Example In any case, CSR is a new term which was established in the corporate world only at the beginning of the twenty first century. Apart from making products useful to the society and keeping good relationships with the employees and the community, it is the responsibility of the big companies to give something in return to the community since they are exploiting the community resources very much. CSR has gained prominence in the current business circle since big companies realized that they cannot survive in a community for a longer period if they fail to do something for the community. This paper briefly explains the importance of CSR in the current market environment with the help of examples of companies which show excellent CSR and companies which show poor CSR. Generally speaking, all the companies should focus on the quality of their management and the quantity of their impact on society in various areas (Baker, n.d). Numerous parameters can affect a company while it is operating in a community (See the figure given below). All the parameters mentioned in the figure are influencing company operations in one way or other. Since the company is operating in a community environment, it cannot stay away from the community issues Hawkins (2006) has mentioned that the companies cannot stay away from their CSR since the society provides both customers and resources to fulfill the business objectives of them (Hawkins, 2006, p.2). Anything happening in the society can affect the organization positively or negatively and hence they cannot neglect the needs of the community. For example, the recent recession has destroyed the financial backbone of many people. It is the duty of the corporate world to come out for the rescue of the people since a financially poor community may not be good for the future growth prospects of the companies. Baker (n. d) has mentioned that different countries have different models

Tiffany & Co. analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Tiffany & Co. analysis - Essay Example ing Tiffany & Co Space Utilization 13 Table 6: Table Showing Tiffany & Co Employees Output Trend 14 Table 7: Table Showing Tiffany & Co Capital Intensity Trend 15 Table 8: Table Showing Tiffany & Co Revenue Valuation Trend 15 Tiffany & Co. Analysis 1: Introduction Company Introduction Tiffany & Co. is the most popular lavish jewelry corporation in the United States of America. For over a century and a half, Tiffany & co. have designed superb jewelry comprising of diamond. The company often uses Tiffany & co and just Tiffany as its main trademark, and at the same time as its trade name. Statement of Purpose In a quest to for tiffany to maintain its giant market and dominance, this paper studies the company’s current pattern applied to maintain customer satisfaction and its prolonged dominance, with the aim of gaining deep knowledge on success of this company and devising applicable through which it can improve its current level performance. Roadmap This study involves a quantit ative and qualitative analysis (a SWOT analysis,) for tiffany to gauge its current position. This analysis also gives recommendations to potential investors and the company at large on its current position. The weaknesses and threats identified through the SWOT analysis be used as a yard stick for devising applicable solutions and this is after comparing various documented applicable solutions, through various qualitative and quantitative tests, and discussed in the subsequent chapters, and the final outcome is mainly targeted at coming up with an effective criteria for investment for Tiffany & Co. Criteria for Investment To come up with concrete recommendations, this study will focus on all the most trusted company profitability, growth and development analysis, evaluations and strategies,... Tiffany & Co. is the most popular lavish jewelry corporation in the United States of America. For over a century and a half, Tiffany & co. have designed superb jewelry comprising of diamond. The company often uses Tiffany & co and just Tiffany as its main trademark, and at the same time as its trade name. Statement of Purpose In a quest to for tiffany to maintain its giant market and dominance, this paper studies the company’s current pattern applied to maintain customer satisfaction and its prolonged dominance, with the aim of gaining deep knowledge on success of this company and devising applicable through which it can improve its current level performance. Roadmap This study involves a quantitative and qualitative analysis (a SWOT analysis,) for tiffany to gauge its current position. This analysis also gives recommendations to potential investors and the company at large on its current position. The weaknesses and threats identified through the SWOT analysis be used as a yard stick for devising applicable solutions and this is after comparing various documented applicable solutions, through various qualitative and quantitative tests, and discussed in the subsequent chapters, and the final outcome is mainly targeted at coming up with an effective criteria for investment for Tiffany & Co. To come up with concrete recommendations, this study will focus on all the most trusted company profitability, growth and development analysis, evaluations and strategies, thus: the company’s commitment to CSR, potential to expand, profitability, adaptability, rising stock price, and competitive advertisement.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Wall Street the movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Wall Street the movie - Essay Example This is the case with the main character Gordon Gekko and as the film progresses, also that of his protà ©gà © named Bud Fox who started out as a bit player in the stock brokerage industry but in due time became a significant stockbroker due to the profitable trades he made as he engaged in extremely complicated and often illegal schemes to minimize his trading risks. One of his favorite tools is insider trading, which is using information on a firm that is not available to the general buying public which gives him an undue and illegal advantage (McGee 36). Insider trading is a capital crime because it erodes confidence in the stock market as it is one of the leading sources for capital formation; the stock market is just like any market where buyers and sellers met and agree on a deal, except that what they deal and agree upon are monies and in effect, financing for starting a business and expanding an existing business by providing much-needed capital for entrepreneurs and businessmen. The entrepreneurs are the ones who need money while the investors provide that money buying their stocks offered on Wall Street by these stockbrokerage and investment houses who earn a commission. Gekko and Fox teamed up and plotted to engage in a hostile takeover of an airline where Fox’s father works by using a leveraged buyout (LBO), and then turn around by using excess pension funds to pay off the debt incurred in this hostile takeover and earn profits from breaking up the airline and selling its assets individually. However, the law and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) arrested both Fox and Gekko for insider trading. Economic aspects – the film showed how a stock market is essential to the economy of a nation as it serves as the marketplace where lenders and borrowers can meet and in turn help the economy achieve growth by providing the essential capital to finance new business ventures and expand existing ones such as introducing a new product line that requires money or enter new foreign markets to expand the sales by generating new revenue streams. The film also touches on the sensitive topic of greed which is why securities laws and regulatio ns are put in place to protect the investing public from unscrupulous individuals and trading firms. A good example is the case of Martha Stewart who was convicted of insider trading regarding the sale of stocks she owned by using insider information before the stock price collapsed. In her case, she used an illegal method which is also unethical as it constitutes fraud. Capital – the word as used in economics means the man-made goods which are then used to produce a future continuous supply of goods and services. Capital is essentially of two kinds in terms of their ultimate end user: the first is capital goods used for further producing new capital goods for perpetuity (a continuous supply) and the second is for consumption in which there is eventual depletion. Capital gets worn out from use over a period of time, gets destroyed in natural or man-made calamities, and also become obsolete due to technological advances (like the telegraph equipment replaced by newer telephone s and the old typewriters being replaced by personal computers). Obsolescence happens when a thing or service is still in good working condition and usable but no longer wanted (same case with the telephone landline which has been replaced by the cellular phone and other mobile electronics gadgets). Economics deals primarily with the concept of how to deal with scarcity and making trade-off decisions regarding where capital should be invested in the most efficient way. In the film, the monies of Gekko could have been used to fund

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Cinema Essay Example for Free

The Cinema Essay The movies that are being compared here are made at two different periods of time and for audience of distinct mentality. Movies are made keeping in mind the taste of audience because it is totally show business. But here two movies, one of which was made almost more than 50 years before the other are somewhat similar. The base of â€Å"Singin’ in The Rain†, made in 1952 is same as â€Å" Linda Linda Linda† which was released in 2005. Both the films are musical blockbusters and were liked by the audience at the time of release and afterwards too. If we compare both these movies we will see that the plot of old ovie is not typical and lots of Hollywood movies has been made on this plot but â€Å"Singin’ in The Rain† is remembered today because it took the cinema from silent era to talkies. Its music is being admired till date and is considered as a movie with great combination of action and humor. The film is a total entertainer with almost everything being expected from a movie. â€Å"Linda Linda Linda† came out in 2005 targeting a different audience that was young and in the modern era. The taste of this audience was completely different from that of 1950s ut this movie also proved to be successful and the base here was once again music and dance. The story of course is admirable here and the film is entertaining and technically competent. There are four girls who want to create their own rock band for the upcoming function of their school. Plot of the movie revolves round the experiences of these girls to find a singer and everything needed to make a band. Their ultimate challenge became to play a single song for the function. The movie of the 1950’s was focusing on the music of that period and that of 2005 represents the music of this era.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

History of Food Preservation Methods

History of Food Preservation Methods Yasmine Dabash The Sustainment of Foodstuffs Over the Years Isn’t it nice to go home and microwave a frozen TV dinner after a long day of work? Without the invention of food preserving technologies such as the refrigerator or the freezer, such would have never been possible.This is because both technology and science are interdependent on one another. Since ancient times, food has been preserved in a number of ways including refrigerating and heating, drying and salting, and canning and jarring. Over the centuries, the human race has been equipped with superior knowledge thus enabling us to continually improve technology. It is common to see technology morph to adequately fit updated knowledge, A common example of this is cell phones which often update with more features in more condensed models. Food preservation today is the result of many hundreds of years’ worth of work towards the sustainment of foodstuffs. Most mediocre households contain a refrigeration and freezer unit which is used daily to preserve foods for an allotment of time. Refrigeration has a particularly long history’ for many centuries, people would carve large blocks of ice from nearby fresh water sources and put it iceboxes, which they used to keep their food cool. Even today in remote Amish-culture societies, people use this technique of refrigeration. Around the same time, people would store their produce in 30-40Â °F root cellars. It wasn’t until 1918 that the first Frigidaire was created then mass produced. Then twelve years later, the eco-friendly, Freon-less refrigerator model we used today, patented by Albert Einstein and a colleague, was introduced. ( Twoother modes of food preservation which have a long history, primarily in hot climates of the world include drying and salting. The methods of drying and salting to preserve fish, meat, and vegetables were been predominate in dry, hot climates (ie. the southern states of America) for hundreds of years. One of the most common ways of curing meat is salting, which has been carried out since ancient times by packing meat in heavy amounts of salt in barrels; this method of meat preservation was not replaced until the times of advanced freezing and refrigeration. Drying meat, another popular mode of meat curing, has a goal of simply evaporating the liquid content of the meat. This is because microorganisms need a certain amount of moisture to survive in an environment, so by removing the water content from the meat you are thus making the meat unlivable for the bacteria which causes spoilage. ( This is also the same reason dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, Craisins, etc.) last a longer time than its fresh form. Food can be preserved for long term storage through the methods of canning and jarring. By canning and jarring food you are sterilizing then inhibiting bacterial growth in the food, therefore lengthening the longevity of the food’s shelf life by far. Usually vegetables and meats are packages in sealed tin cans rather than jarred; some common examples of canned foods are corn, tuna, processed beef, and soup. Jarring is also a ordinary way of conserving pickles, jams and jellies, baby food, and tomato sauce. Fermenting foods by storing them in a vinegar and salt brine within a sterilized glass jar is called pickling. Pickling is an endeavor practiced to preserve mainly vegetables (most commonly cucumbers). Unfortunately this method increases the salt content and lowers the vitamin content of the foodstuffs preserved. Preservatives can often times be added to foods to foods to make them last longer. Sometimes, when processing foods, preservatives are added to help conserve the foods by killing bacteria or slowing bacteria activity. These preservatives come in four major categories; benzoates, nitrites, sulfites, and sorbic acid. Sodium benzoate is a salt commonly combined with acidic and carbonated products including juices, sodas, salad dressings, and others. Sodium nitrate, although controversial now, is a naturally occurring food preservative found in salt, sugar, vinegar, and alcohol. Sulfites, although banned from fresh, raw eaten produce, is used when preserving dried fruits and dried potato products. Sorbic acid is the most used food preservative in the industry as it is considered the safest of the four common preservatives. It is known to prevent the growth of fungi, yeast, and mold. Sometimes preservatives are dismissed and limited by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to improve the overall health of our foods, which is the number one concern when it comes to food and food preservation. There are a variety of organizations and universities that support and research into the study of food preservation. The National Center for Home Food Preservation, based at the University of Georgia, primarily focuses on the preservation of produce and what safety regulations and methods should be carried out to ensure safe, convenient preserved foods both domestically and industrially ( Even the most unexpected can contribute to a cause; the United States Atomic Energy Commission majorly brought the rise to the use of irradiation to preserve food, especially for NASA (The NationalAeronauticsandSpaceAdministration) astronauts to eat whilst in space. Although it may seem ridiculous, the Mayflower Trading company is the largest online store for long-lasting, storable foods, emergency preparedness, and alternative power. It may seem like the go-to site for the impending zombie apocalypse but its contributions towards the longevity of preserved foods (mainly canned) are remarkable. On the topic of contributions to the field of food preservation, there is a whole list of remarkable indiv iduals who have majorly impacted food preservation as we know it. Many people have contributed to food preservation as will including the renowned Louis Pasteur. Louis Pasteur created the method of pasteurization which ensures the sterility and safety of our milk and other milk products even today. Nicolas Appert might as well be known as the ‘Father of Jarring’. Nicolas Appert came up with the concept that by heating and sterilizing a product then placing the substance in a sterilized, air-tight jar would make is long-lasting and sterile after a decade of experimentation in the hopes that he would gain recognition by Napoleon for his works. Napoleon awarded Appert with a good deal of money for his findings and used this new knowledge to his advantage by sending sterilized, preserved foods with his armies. Another recent man to make his name in history for contributing to food preservation was Daniel Farkas, a former food scientist. Farkas discovered high-pressure preservation which kills bacteria and pathogens. This method of preservi ng food is also known as pascalization and bridgemanization ( Over time, methods of food preservation have improved vastly to conform to our modernized world. Now more than ever we are able to store foods for years upon years without it going rancid. Plus, it I simple to use and effective, it is easy enough to store your food in the refrigerator, whereas in the eighteenth century you would hve to keep your food in an iebox outside of your house. Even so, Food producers should aim toward maintaining not only the food itself but also its nutritional value. Most means of food preservation, such as pickling, salting, and freezing diminish the nutrition of the food you eat. The more fresh foods we eat, the closer we may become to optimum health; hopefully in years to come we will be able to not only conserve food but also nutrients.

Impact of Abusive Language in Hollywood Movies on Youth

Impact of Abusive Language in Hollywood Movies on Youth Research Question: Q. Does the abusive language in Hollywood movies change the speech/language behavior in the youth of Lahore? Rationale: The aim of this research is to examine the impact of abusive language used in Hollywood movies on youth of Lahore. This research is new to us because the trend of watching English movies among the youngsters has increased. And due to this they are effecting with the offensive language that is used in Hollywood movies. I selected the Hollywood movies because the issue pointed in this which seems to be quite little but leaving a very bad impact on our society specially the youth. Abusive language was never acceptable in any society but offensive language which was otherwise considered broadly acceptable was considered unacceptable by some when used too frequently. Dockterman (2014) notes that, â€Å"It’s not surprising thatâ€Å"the wolf of wall street† set a new recordsince the movie is all about excess: excessive hookers, excessive drug use and, of course, excessive swearing.† Whether children were likely to be watching or listening and, if so, what impact the language might have on them was is a key consideration. It is very interesting topic as it is attention seeking for the people. This research intends to find out that how much people are adopting such prohibited words and languages. I took this topic because I want to bring it to the frontline. I personally feel this topic interesting because I found lots of examples related to this in Pakistani society. People are considering it a part of high class and our youth is using such language to throw such impact that they belongs to high class society. And it becomes a part of being stylish and swag. Mail online (2014) notes that, â€Å"Television viewers are being deluged with foul language as swearwords and blasphemy become commonplace in Hollywood films. Media monitors counted the f-word 1,429 times in 60 movies shown on terrestrial TV in the first six months of this year. There were 827 uses of s*** as well as 221 exclamations of Jesus or Christ, which also offend many.† Hypothesis: H1: Abusive language in Hollywood movies changes the speech behavior in the youth of Lahore. Ho.: Abusive language in Hollywood movies does not change the speech behavior in the youth of Lahore. Literature Review: My research area includes the level of abusive behavior among the youth of Lahore. I picked some articles and existing work done on this topic which will help me to land at considered decisions about my research and to examine that what I have to find out of these existing literatures. First literature includes the notions of gendered language in action films which indicates that whether men use more swear words or women. Second literature includes that how Hollywood films promote the American culture among the audience. Third literature notes that the Hollywood movies are responsible for the behavioral changes that occur in the other cultures. Forth literature investigated that the offensive language on prime-time show and cable programs found that 9 out of 10 projects contained no less than one episode of profanity. These literatures are described in detail below. Marcus Midefelt (2013) notes that, â€Å"A few specialists said media depicts the truth and different says it reshapes the view of reality. This study examines this relationship by measuring the recurrence of three folk linguistic thoughts of gendered language in action movies. They chose ideas are Ladies talk more than men, Men swear more than ladies and Ladies utilize more label and pitch questions than men. The study demonstrates that male heroes produce the most astounding number of every examined variables. Then again, considering that the study additionally shows that male heroes talk more than their female partners; the higher creation of every examined variable may be a consequence of this. The technique used to accomplish this point is the quantitative system Content Analysis. The most unmistakable after effect of this study is that men create the most astounding number of each variable contemplated. In any case, the generation of contemplated variables in the middle of mal e and female heroes contrasts by generally the same rate for each variable. The generation of any mulled over variable by male heroes fluctuates between 62-66% of the aggregate events of the variable, including the quantity of lines articulated. This implies that the high number of studied variables expressed by male heroes is prone to be an aftereffect of male heroes articulating a greater number of lines than female heroes. (p.2) Wanwarang Maisuwong (2012) notes that, The Americans movies are seen in the America, as well as they are seen by the huge gathering of people the world over. Moreover, the American film firms overwhelm the majority of market share on the planet film industry. It appears that utilizing movies is the best mean for the America to pick up acknowledgment and kinship. Movies depict a smooth narrating and draw in the individuals to continue viewing from the earliest starting point until the end. In this paper, Researcher has chosen 30 Hollywood films from year 2001-2010, each of them won universal recompenses. He investigated the films on what are discriminating social qualities and political messages in every chose film that America tries to impart towards the world group of onlookers. He mostly centered around seven alternate points of view of society which appeared to be the most clear culture showed up in Hollywood motion pictures. In this study specialist has investigated the Hollywood film, Pearl Habor is a true to life talk motion picture where it contains both war and sentiment stories. Two young men grew up together, turned out to be great companions, and later experienced passionate feelings for the same lady. The film communicates the difficult of adoration for three individuals and the endure of American individuals amid the atrocity. He examined the accompanying focuses quickly Freedom of Expression, Nationalism, sexuality, Language, way of life and worth. At last he reasoned that Expected Cultural Effects of Hollywood Movies to the Audience is Language Effect, subsequent to presenting to the motion pictures, the individuals may swing to speak American intonation, they might likewise receive those American slangs and languages to their day by day life.† (P.2-4) Birkel, J., Lee, S. Oirya, J. (n.d) explains in his study, â€Å"That study was built on the theory of Americanization that postulates that American movies have a profound impact on certain aspects other cultures. It focused on examining the international opinions of people who watch Hollywood movies, as well as the extent to which and ways in which they felt these movies affected their culture and them as individuals. It relied on convenience sampling from international college students, studying in the United States. The main implications of this study, as it are explained in the results that Hollywood movies are responsible for the behavioral changes that occur in the other cultures. Hollywood’s ability to Influence sexual behavior creates an issue that affects the world by influencing the rise and fall of sexual behaviors. Along with sexual and violent media, some groups and individuals within the United States are concerned with the frequency in which profanity is used i n Hollywood movies. This issue can be examined from a broader point of view as well, assuming that if a culture’s language is affected by Americanization, then trends in America’s use of profanity will naturally be part of that. So the people in other cultures may be correct in assuming that America’s influence results in the decline of their culture.† (p2-4) Kaye, B. K. Sapolsky, B. S. (2009) notes that, â€Å"This examination of offensive language on prime-time show and cable programs found that 9 out of 10 projects contained no less than one episode of profanity, and viewers were presented to 12.58 cuss words every hour in 2005. Viewers of show projects were presented to somewhat under 10 questionable words every hour contrasted with 15 words-every hour on link programs.† (P.1-3) Offensive language occasionally has been slipped into programs subsequent to the beginning of TV, however beginning in about the late 1980s, coarse language. The primary focus of this research is to extend earlier published work by Kaye and Sapolsky (2001, 2004) by examining whether cable-delivered programs contain more instances of profanity than broadcast shows. Overall, 9 out of 10 programs on both broadcast and cable television contained at least one indecent word or 330 phrase. Risquà © language was spoken nearly once every 5 minutes. Just over one- half of objectionable words were of the mild type (i.e., damn, hell). These findings are similar to previous studies that show the proportion of profanity represented by mild-other words has steadily decreased; 80.7% in 1990, 75.0% in 1994, 68.6% in 1997, 60.6% in 2001 (Kaye Sapolsky, 2004) indicating a gradual coarsening of 335 language spoken in prime-time. Overall, this study contributes to the issue of verbal indecency on television, especially in its comparison of broadcast to cable programs. While offended viewers and lawmakers are insisting that the FCC more strongly penalize broadcast stations for airing programs that contain verbal indecency, they, along with broadcasters, are 415 also wagging their fingers at cable programs, which they claim are even more vulgar. My research area would bring a new research in such a way that I mainly focused on language as it is a part of our culture and what is the impact of offensive language on the youth of Lahore. I am going to add to the existing literature in this way that my research is directed towards on a very essential part of our culture which is language and its impact on the youth of Lahore specifically. This research would help you to find out that what are the factors attracting students towards use of abusive language and to understand how viewers and listeners decide what is considered generally acceptable/unacceptable in terms of possibly abusive language. Research Methodology: The researcher has laid a research design to study the impact of abusive language on youth of Lahore, to find out the answers to the research questions and to investigate the formulated hypothesis. Research Design: Research design refers to the different methods through which the data is collected. For the study at hand the researcher has employed descriptive research that includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries of different sorts. The researcher applied one method to carry out the research. I will conduct surveys in order to find out some results regarding my research. Tools of Data Collection: The researcher used one method to collect the information and analyze the Impact of abusive language on youth of Lahore. I will use the method of questionnaires to conduct my research and asks people to fill these questions which include young people. Survey In the current study the researcher used the quantitative method i.e. survey for data collection. Questionnaires were used as the tool of survey. Quantitative method: I will use quantitative method which includes questionnaires in order to conduct my research. I will use Questionnaire method because it is an easy method to collect data from a large and massive audience. I can easily collect my data by asking young people to fill out the questionnaire paper. Population The population of the survey was selected by keeping the target audience in mind. And the target audience was youth in the universities of Lahore. Young people from universities are selected because they watch more Hollywood movies. Movies are more popular among the youth. Educated people especially young educated people are more likely watch Hollywood movies in their leisure time or for entertainment. . The university students are mature and make their own decisions so the effect measured on them will be realistically accurate. So the researcher chooses university students to determine the impact of abusive language used in Hollywood movies. Sampling The Purposive sampling is a form of probability sampling which the researcher used to collect the data from different universities. Variables Dependent: Lahore Youth’s exposure to Hollywood films. Independent: Level of abusive language. Ethics: My research will also include the ethics that I will ask permission from my population before taking information from them. My questionnaire has a section of ethics that will u allow me to take your few seconds in order to fill this questionnaire. As this research needs some personal information and language is also a part of personal thing that what is there language and what kind of swear words they use. So ethics are an important part of my research because it is matter of people’s personal behavior i.e. speech behavior. Bibliography: Birkel, J., Lee, S. Oirya, J. (n.d.). Hollywood Americanized Sex, Violence, Language and Body Images: A Study of Cultural Perceptions Regarding the Influence of American Movies on International Students. Retrieved on April 12, 2014 from Dockterman, E. (2014). The Wolf of Wall Streert Breaks F Bomb. Retrieved on April 6 , 2014, from Kaye, B. K. Sapolsky, B. S. (2009). Taboo or Not Taboo? That is the Question: Offensive Language on Prime-Time Broadcast and Cable Programming. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 53(1)P1-3. Retrieved on April 23, 2014 from Midefelt, M. (2013). Sailors and Tentative Talk-a-lots: A Study of Folk Linguistic Notions of Gendered Language in Action Films. Unpublished P.H.D Thesis, University of Gothenburg. Retrieved on April 8, 2014 from Mail Online (2014), Too much bad Language on TV. Maisuwong, W. (2012). The Promotion of American Culture through Hollywood Movies to the World Audience: A Threat to National Identity and Sovereignty. International Journal of Engineering Research Technology, 1(4)P2-4. Retrieved on April 12, 2014 from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Nuclear Waste Race: Perspectives on Reprocessing Spent Fuel Essay

â€Å"It isn’t easy being green† — Kermit the Frog. Even though Kermit was referring to the color of his skin, this is also vindictive of today’s mindset in thinking green trying to merge the environment into our everyday lives. Nuclear power first hit the scene as an alternative to burning fossil fuels and emissions of toxic carbons released into the atmosphere as waste products. But, the general public’s first glimpse of the awesomeness of nuclear energy was in the form of a highly effective and destructive weapon, therefore giving a distinct aura around the possibilities of nuclear development. Nuclear power had been operational and seemingly unscathed for almost fifty years, prior to the events that occurred in the late 1970’s. The vast political and social debates surrounding the alternative energy source arose from three major events in history. First was the release of the movie, â€Å"The China Syndrome.† This film is rendered as one of the most politically correct movies published about nuclear power. Movie critic Damien Cannon proposes, â€Å"How many films are so accurate that, even though they're fictional, they could easily be documentaries? Schindler's List is one. The China Syndrome is another. In this case we see the greatest fears of the Nimby culture unearthed when a nuclear power station almost goes out of control and the men-in-suits cover it up.† Secondly, only three weeks after the premier of â€Å"The China Syndrome†, the meltdown of the number two plant on Three Mile Island occurred. This spiked interest in the recently rele ased movie, and encouraged hysterical reactions to the progression of nuclear power. The American public had witnessed a recent unimaginable fear essentially come to life. Finally, the most notable and ... ...reat Illusion of Nuclear Energy.† Greenpeace International Association. Nov 2008. Web. 26 July 2010. Lochbaum, David. A Nuclear Waste Disposal Crisis. Tulsa, Ok: Penwell Publishing. 1996. Print. â€Å"Nuclear Power: A Dangerous Waste of Time.† Greenpeace International Association. 2009. Web. 25 July 2010. Pope, Carl. â€Å"The Empire Strikes Back.† Taking the Initiative. Sierra Club. 27 April 2007. Web. 27 July 2010. â€Å"The Wrong Nuclear Debate.† Taking the Initiative. Sierra Club. 26 February 2007. Web. 27 July 2010. â€Å"Radioactive Waste Management.† World Nuclear Association. June 2009. Web. 24 July 2010. Risoluti, Piero. Nuclear Waste: A Technological and Political Challenge. Eds. R. Allan, U. FÅ‘rstner and W. Salomons. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Hong Kong, London, Milan, Paris, Tokyo: Springer. 2004. Print.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Partisan elections Essays -- essays research papers

Partisan Elections   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the following essay I will be talking about the disadvantages and advantages of partisan elections for state politics. I will also examine the last couple year’s election results and costs. Finally, I will discuss if partisanship made a difference in the vote, as well as if a judge should be decided by partisan vote. In the next couple paragraphs I will talk more specifically about these topics.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First, let’s talk about the advantages of partisan elections compared to nonpartisan elections. It makes voting a lot faster because the people can just go to either democrat, republican or independent column. They do not have to go through a big list of candidates to figure out who is the best choice, like it would be in nonpartisan elections. Another advantage of having partisan elections would have to be the free press and name recognition. These are really important in an election especially name recognition, because you want the people to notice your name on the ballot when it comes to election time and vote for you. I think that partisan elections help address issues and get the word out to the people, because the candidates have to campaign. This is good because they actually have to go out and talk to the people within the state they are running for. If this was a small town and the people of that town knew who you were and what you have accomplishe d while in politics, than there is a high pro...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A critical essay based on three scenes Essay

Consider the importance of these scenes in the play as a whole. You should write about:   Dramatic effect   The language of the scenes Presentation of character   Changes in mood and tone Key themes within Romeo and Juliet are conveyed to the audience within the prologue. These themes help the audience to understand the first meeting between Romeo and Juliet and also their later meetings. Within the prologue, it is written by Shakespeare that from these two families, Romeo and Juliet are destined to fall in love; it also conveys the hatred of both families: † From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life†. The audience has already been told that they are destined to fall in love, it is written in the stars and also are destined to take their own lives. The first impression that helps the reader to understand Romeo is that he is in love with a girl called Rosaline, however Romeo has been rejected. Consequently, Romeo feels very lonely and isolated, and he has also become depressed. This prepares the audience for his meeting with Juliet. Juliet does not come into the story until Act 1 Scene 2, where Capulet, her father, and Paris who wishes to marry Juliet are discussing her. The first impression of Juliet that the audience understands is that she is a very dutiful daughter to the Capulet family. Juliet has also become very obedient. The adults control her in her life, all of her decisions are made for her and she is protected form the outside world. These impressions tell the reader that both Romeo and Juliet are very vulnerable. Juliet has never loved anyone whereas Romeo has been depressed from falling out of love. These all lead up to Act 1 scene 5 where Romeo and Juliet meet. Romeo and Juliet are destined to meet because the servant cannot read and asks Romeo for help. Benvolio persuades Romeo to go so that he can see other woman, however destiny has facilitated Romeo and Juliet’s meeting. Act 1 scene 5 is the first scene is the first scene where Romeo and Juliet meet each other. There is a mascarade party within the Capulet household. This is the scene where Romeo and Juliet first kiss. Everything builds up to this scene. Firstly, the beginning of the scene shows the presentation of the characters wearing masks to cover their faces. Within this scene, when Romeo and Juliet first meet, Shakespeare changes the language, which they both speak to each other. The language used by Romeo and Juliet speak is very poetic, and also very religious, also Romeo speaks first: † This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this†. The layout of the way Romeo and Juliet speak is very poetic, and is also in the form of a sonnet. This quote shows that Romeo is comparing Juliet to a shrine and pilgrims: † My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand†. This play has a strong religious base, as it shows signs of death and marriage. Religion also conveys purity and key elements within life. Romeo and Juliet both speak in a manner of a sonnet. They both speak a full stanza, and then two lines each, and then a couplet, which they both share. Juliet gains confidence as the conversation goes on. As both Romeo and Juliet’s responses become much shorter, they also move closer to each other ready to kiss. Within the sonnet, the use of a couplet which Romeo and Juliet both share, suggests that they are meant to be: Juliet: † Saints do not move, though grant for prayer’s sake. Romeo: Then move not while my prayer’s effect I take†. This couplet adds an effect that they are meant to be, love at first sight and are immediately attracted. Fate has dictated that they would die together which allows many moments of dramatic irony due to the audience already knowing that it is written in the prologue. The dramatic effect within this scene is the use of religion. Later on in the scene, dramatic irony is shown again as Juliet speaks to the nurse: â€Å"My grave is like to be my wedding bed†. This is dramatic irony, as the audience already knows from reading the prologue that this will come true, as it is their destiny. Act 2 scene 2 is the second meeting where Romeo and Juliet meet. This is one of the most famous scenes in Romeo and Juliet, and also the most romantic scenes in the history of drama. This is the balcony scene where the destined lovers engage in a very poetic and romantic conversation. The mood and tone of this scene is built up by romantic conversation, firstly, Romeo speaking aloud. Romeo dominates this scene, as he is the one who pursues her. He begins the conversation in the opening of the scene. This whole scene is devoted to Romeo and Juliet’s interaction. Romeo sees light in the window of the balcony, and uses a metaphor to compare Juliet to the sun: ‘It is the east, and Juliet is the sun†. Romeo compares Juliet to the sun, as light is essential for everyone to survive, as Juliet is essential for Romeo to live. Light is eternal and it shows security and warmth. It is also very pure. Again, within this scene, religion is used to convey Juliet’s innocence: â€Å"As is a winged messenger of heaven†. Romeo compares Juliet to an angel, which shows love, purity and innocence. Within this scene, Romeo is very poetic, whereas Juliet is pragmatic: † If they do see thee, they will murder thee†. This shows that Juliet is aware of the consequences that will befall Romeo if he is caught. Within this scene Juliet is very nervous and feels very insecure: † Dost thou love me? I know thou wilt say ‘Ay’. † This quote shows that Juliet feels herself very insecure and questions Romeo about their love. In the scene, Romeo uses a variety of techniques to declare her love: † I should adventure for such merchandise†. Romeo uses this to persuade Juliet and shows exaggerated devotion towards her. Juliet also changes during the course of the scene. † In touch, fair Montague, I am too fond†. Juliet uses an epithet- ‘fair Montague’ which shows that she has had a change in confidence. Juliet’s perception of Romeo is that he is fair and kind. Romeo gives Juliet his reassurance of their love: † Th’exchange of thy love’s faithful vow for mine†. This quote shows that Romeo wants her love. In this scene dramatic irony is introduced again: † And the place death, considering who thou art, If any of my kinsmen find thee here†. This quote shows that Juliet’s family will come after Romeo if they find him here, Tybalt’s violent threats earlier in the play increase the tension. Juliet switches the conversation to where they will next meet: † I have no joy of this contract tonight†. Once Juliet is sure Romeo is in love with her, she needs a sense of future security whereas Romeo continues to be romantic and live for the moment. Act 3 scene 5 is the third and final scene which Romeo and Juliet are presented to the audience alive. Between Act 2 scene 2 to this scene, Shakespeare has added violence to contrast with love. This is so that the audience can anticipate the tragedy as it builds up tension towards the death scene. Within this scene, the mood has changed from previous scenes where Tybalt has been killed, and Capulet insisting on Juliet marrying Paris, the tension has lifted. Juliet opens the scene, which shows that she is more confident now. Juliet is very poetic: â€Å"It was the nightingale, and not the lark†¦. † Juliet is playing with Romeo, teasing him and with the use of romantic imagery she is trying to persuade Romeo to stay with her. Within this scene Romeo and Juliet speak equally, feeling both equally confident. Most of what Juliet is saying is that she wants him to stay longer, due to his banishment: â€Å"Therefore stay yet, thou need’st not to be gone†. This quote shows Juliet’s insecurity, she needs to feel his devotion. Romeo replies to this question: † I have more care to stay than will to go†. This response is what Juliet wants to hear to feel his devotion and reassurance of their love. Within this scene, due to Juliet feeling confident, she once again becomes pragmatic: â€Å"It is, it is, hie hence, be gone, away! â€Å". There is again also dramatic irony in this scene: † More light and light, more dark and dark our woes! † This illustrates that there future is very bleak, becoming depressing as the day goes on. Juliet feels her life is Romeo: † Then, window, let day in, and let life out†. There is another case of dramatic irony when Romeo and Juliet speak: † O think’st thou we shall ever meet again? â€Å". These words are said in innocence but the audience suspect that this will be the last time they are together alive: From these three scenes we can come to a conclusion that Romeo and Juliet’s relationship was set to end in tragedy, which was their destiny. There relationship dramatically changed over the course of five days. The three scenes in which Romeo and Juliet interact all lead up to the tragic ending. The intensity of their love propelled them forward to a tragic end. Over the course of their love the audience can observe that Juliet is becoming more confident in her love for Romeo. Their seemingly desperate need for each other blinds them from behaving rationally. Their love shows intensity which shows that they were meant to be, as together as one soul. Fate and destiny has made them fall in love and also takes their lives.